I had big plans for the story of the game, but unfortunately I was struggling with text boxes and thus was unable to redesign the GUI to my liking. Therefore, out of sheer frustration, this title of the game.

The only "significant" modifications I was able to make were additional levels. I also, by accident, messed up the diagonal chaser prefab and turned it into a vampire apple.

The game contains five levels, most of them are rather easy with a little practice. The second level is admittedly a bit frustrating. I tried to make it a bit maze-y, but I might have overdone it.

The final level is just a big fight against the final boss and his minions. He (the boss) is easily recognizable by being by far the largest sprite and having the most health points (but still should not pose too much of a challenge).

(sort of) Created by Aleksandar Janjic


Windows.zip 44 MB
macOS.app.zip 53 MB

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